Grass treatment is not simply one grass care process.

Turf Treatment Solutions Rudiments


Grass treatment solutions is not just one turf care method. The term turf treatment applies to a wide range of grass care services used to increase the well being and visual appeal of your turf cultivating green, healthy turfs with deep roots in any climate. Fertilisation, weed management, insect control, and disease and fungi treatment option protect and strengthen grass roots and blades, ensuring lawns stay healthy and damage-free all year-round. The objective of these grass treatment programs is to make grass both attractive and functional for the perfect turf.


Lawn Treatment Services

The types of lawn treatments include fertilisation, weed control, pest control, and disease and fungis treatment. All of these turf treatment solutions services are essential for making grass thrive. A thorough turf care service should customise the use of these treatments solutions together for your lawn’s requirements as they change throughout each time of year. Need help? -


Lawn Fertiliser Treatment Option

The nutrients that grass needs to know is naturally occurring in soil. Having said that, most soil, can not produce all of the nutrition’s lawns need during their full season of growth to stay green and strong. Putting on a specific turf fertiliser treatment which is created for the time of year and the type of soil provides lawns the nutrients they need to produce the amount of energy it takes for leaves and root systems to grow long and solid.


Lawn Weed Management Treatment Program

Dandelion control treatment programs deliver weed-free grass to home owners by aiming to achieve 2 things, firstly, to prevent weeds from getting the chance to grow. The second is to get rid of weeds that have already started growing. The most effective treatment option for weed control in lawns includes a mixture of pre-emergent and post-emergent weed killer applications throughout the year. Pre-emergent weed killers target weed seeds and destroy them before they can grow. Post-emergent herbicides get rid of grass weeds that have already been developed and make it more difficult for them to grow back.


Grass Bug Management

Turf bugs consist of but are not limited to beetles, silverfish, millipedes, crickets, spiders and ants. These insect pests are known for creating their homes in the blades of lush green turfs, as they feed on the soil, leaves, and roots and harm the immediate and long-term overall health of a grass. Effective turf pest control takes out these frustrating pests by using several pesticide applications throughout the year to safeguard the health and structure of your lawn.


Turf Disease and Fungus Treatment Program

There are a great number of types of turf diseases and fungi that can rapidly take over your turf and generate dead patches of grass. Lawn disease and fungus quickly damage and kill grass and can be caused by a wide array of typical environmental factors and poor lawn care techniques. Some of these include overwatering, drought, humidity, heat level, inaccurate mowing methods, and excessive use of fertiliser. Regular fungicide treatments at the correct times of year protect against and treat turf disease and fungi. This grass treatment option is essential to boost your grass’s ability to survive under stress. If you need a qualified professional Grass Care company to come and treat your lawn and get it looking luxurious and green all year round then contact -

Things to Know About Dog Wheelchairs

Are you in a situation where you wonder if your dog needs a wheelchair? A dog wheelchair has many benefits and can give your pooch a new lease on life. Learn more about dog wheelchairs and when you should get one for your dog.

Is a wheelchair necessary?

Dogs are like people in many ways. They grow old and may develop age-related conditions that limit their mobility. They can get into accidents that lay them low for a while, and some diseases affect their ability to move normally. Whatever the case involving loss of mobility, a dog wheelchair typically improves their well-being, so it is a good idea to get one.

When You Should Get One

Here are some issues that may make it necessary to invest in a dog wheelchair. 


Older dogs can develop stiffening of the joints because of arthritis. The condition can make it difficult, if not impossible, for them to run or walk normally without pain. While painkillers and supplements such as glucosamine can help, you can mitigate the symptoms of arthritis by keeping your dog on the move.

Physical activity helps the body produce more fluid that lubricates the joints and makes them less painful to move. Yes, it’s a chicken-and-egg situation, but a dog wheelchair can make it less challenging. Because a wheelchair supports some of your dog’s weight, it reduces the impact on the joints. This encourages your dog to move more, which is what you want. The result is less pain and better quality of life. 

Intervertebral Disc Diseases (IVDD) 

Intervertebral Disc Diseases (IVDD) is common among some breeds, but it can happen to all dogs at any age. Sometimes called a slipped disc, the condition occurs when the spinal discs go out of alignment, rupture, or deteriorate. This results in weakness in the legs, commonly the hind legs.

A dog wheelchair can rehabilitate your dog in the early stages by reducing the pressure on the discs. The wheelchair may become the only way to keep your dog Mobile if the condition is more Advanced.  

Degenerative Myelopathy (DM)

One of the most devastating diseases that cause loss of mobility in dogs is degenerative myelopathy or DM. The condition occurs when the dog’s brain progressively loses its connection to the spinal cord. It is most common among dogs eight years old and above and manifests as wobbly legs and feet dragging. 

Unfortunately, DM only gets worse, and there is no treatment. At some point, your dog may lose the ability to walk altogether. A dog wheelchair can improve their mobility and well-being until then. The good news is dogs with DM do not experience pain. 

While these are the most common reasons dogs start losing their mobility, they are not the only ones. Consult your vet if you observe your dog that has difficulty moving or walking. They can help you manage the issue by identifying the cause and discussing your treatment options.

The vet will likely ask you if your dog is alert and responsive. If they are, a pet wheelchair is a viable solution to your dog’s mobility issues. 

Vad är slamsugning?

Slamsugning är en metod för att suga upp och samla in slam, smuts och annat avfall från olika ytor. Det används ofta vid sanering och rengöring av exempelvis avloppssystem, dagvattensystem, olje- och kemikalieseparationer och fettavskiljare.

Hur fungerar slamsugning?

Vid slamsugning används en speciell slamsugningsbil som är utrustad med en kraftig sugmotor och en tank. Sugmotorn skapar ett starkt vakuum som via slangar förs ner i brunnar, rör eller andra utrymmen som ska rengöras. Det smutsiga materialet sugs upp och samlas i tanken på bilen.

Ofta används högtrycksspolning i kombination med sugningen för att lossa på beläggningar och slam. Det finns även mindre slamsugningsutrustningar som kan användas för att komma åt på trånga utrymmen.

När behövs slamsugning?

Slamsugning behövs regelbundet för underhåll av avloppssystem, fettavskiljare och andra installationer. Genom att suga bort slam och avlagringar minskar risken för stopp och dålig funktion. Även vid olika typer av saneringar och rengöring efter exempelvis översvämningar eller olyckor är slamsugning ett effektivt sätt att få bort smuts, lera och annat.

Slamsugning utförs vanligtvis av professionella företag som är specialiserade på sanering och avfallshantering. De har rätt utrustning och kunskap för att utföra arbetet på ett säkert och miljöriktigt sätt. Det slam som samlas in tas omhand för destruktion eller återvinning.

Miljöaspekter på slamsugning

Slamsugning är viktigt för att upprätthålla fungerande avloppssystem och minska risken för utsläpp av föroreningar i naturen. Samtidigt är det viktigt att slamsugningen utförs på ett miljömässigt bra sätt. Det insamlade slammet måste tas om hand och renas eller destrueras så att inte miljöfarliga ämnen kommer ut i naturen.

För att minska miljöpåverkan bör slamsugningsfordon drivas med förnyelsebara bränslen. Även utrustning och metoder bör utvecklas för att göra slamsugning mer effektivt och miljövänligt.