Ab Etching: What is it and why is it so Popular Today?

Ab Etching: What is it and why is it so Popular Today?

Ab etching has become one of the biggest buzzwords in the world of cosmetic procedures Today. If you have ever wished you could get a six-pack, but you can`t quite seem to do it with exercise and healthy eating, ab etching could be the treatment you`ve been waiting for. High Definition Liposuction

What is ab etching?

Ab etching is a highly specialized form of liposuction. Standard liposuction removes fat from areas like the abdomen, thighs, hips, and back. Ab etching takes it to the next level.

Your doctor uses a high-tech ultrasonic liposuction technology called VASER to perform truly comprehensive and customized fat removal in an ab etching procedure.

Ab etching targets and removes the deep fat, just like traditional liposuction does. It also removes superficial fat, something which traditional lipo can`t do.

During ab etching, your doctor removes the superficial fat between ab muscles while leaving it in place atop the forces. This sculpts and highlights your abdomen, creating a six-pack (in men) or a four-pack (in women).

Your ab etching procedure also includes a state-of-the-art plasma skin tightening treatment to define further and highlight the beautiful results.

Why is ab etching so popular?

Ab etching has exploded in popularity in the last few years, and there are several reasons why.

  • Customizable for your desired look
  • High abdominal muscle definition
  • Very natural looking
  • The procedure takes just 1.5 hours
  • Better results than traditional liposuction
  • Gentler than traditional liposuction
  • Permanent results

Overall, ab etching is so popular because it gives you the chance to get results that were never possible with traditional liposuction procedures. High Definition Liposuction

Will ab etching work for me?

Many people who have extra abdominal fat are great candidates for ab etching. If you want a more defined, more toned, or leaner-looking abdomen, but you`re not getting the desired results from exercise and diet, schedule an ab etching consultation with an experienced surgeon. High Definition Liposuction